Don’t Hide! Seek!

A Life Analogy From A Childhood Game…

Eko B
5 min readDec 2, 2021

“What You Seek is Seeking You” ( Rumi)…simple and straightforward

“If You’re Always Trying To be Normal, You Will Never Know How Amazing You Can Be.” ( Maya Angelou)…tingling and invigorating

“ A Lot of People Seeking New Beginnings Have Never Finished With The Past” (Byron Pulsifer)…truthful and bleak

“ The Voyage of Discovery is Not in Seeking New Landscapes but in Having New Eyes.” ( Marcel Proust)…hard and unnerving

“ Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.” ( Stephen Covey)… ego-less and silence

“Seek To Be Worth Knowing Than To Be Well Known” (Sandra Turley)…quality over quantity in all things in life

“ Those Who Seeks Flaws Limit Life” (Rubyanne)…pessimistic or bitter?….

“Seek Not Greatness, But Seek Truth And You Will Find Both” ( Horace Mann)…authenticity vs pretentious

“ I Do Not Seek. I Find.” ( Pablo Picasso)… strategy over plan

“Believe Those Who Seek The Truth, Doubt Those Who Find It; Doubt All, but Do Not Doubt Yourself.” (André Gide)…courage over pomposity

“ Life is Less About Finding and More About Seeking.” (Seth Adam Smith)…journey and process over destination and result

“ Seek Freedom and Become Capture of Your Desires. Seek Discipline and Find Your Liberty” (Frank Herbert)…short term vs long terminstant gratification vs contentment

“ If You Search Everywhere, Yet Cannot Find What You Are Seeking, It Is Because What You Seek Is Already In Your Possession.” ( Lao Tzu)… “self in the eye of others” vs “self found within”

“”Change Will Not Come if We Wait For Some Other Person or Some Other Time. We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For. We Are The Change That We Seek.” ( Barack Obama)…back tosimple and straighforward


I have been experiencing moments of too many ideas to write on yet can’t decide on the direction that I wanted to go with each of those ideas. It seems that every direction is alluring, yet at about one paragraph or so, it blurs and is loosing its message…Frustrating? Hell, yeah!! I had 7 drafts that I could not finish…and my “sky” starts to get dark, like a major storm is coming…

So… as I mentioned in my other writing, believing that I am a member of a huge community called humankind, I decided to ask for help from others…I am seeking…and I refused to hide with piles of unfinished drafts…hence, this article! …I started with quotes from others who I sought help from…my gratitude to these people…their courage to share assists my moment of seeking and inhibits my temptation of hiding…

*Note: I wanted to express my gratitude to all of you who decide to follow me, and to Mark Hearon, Hayden Moore, Tim Denning, JoJo, Sunny, Briandito Priambodo, Ayodeji Awosika, and some other writers that I might not mention here…all of you assist and inspire me to seek on a daily basis…

“Hide and Seek”…one of my favorite childhood games…the thrill of finding a new space to hide…and the victory of finding others…it’s such a contradiction…it’s such an adventure…it taught me two characters: awareness and persistence…when I was 7, I started to apply a strategy of noticing the patterns of the friends I played the game with…most of them had certain patterns where they would hide to… and when it was my turn to find them, I applied my awareness of their patterns, combined it with persistence… the result was less time and a higher success of finding them…as for myself, I did the reversal… I started to look for new places to hide, I began to undue my own patterns…my thought was if I could notice my friends’ patterns, they could notice mine…to look for a new place to hide required me: one, to be aware of places that my friends would unlikely think of searching, and two, to be persistent on finding “new places” each time we played the game…I figured by thinking ahead of them, and at the same time not underestimating them, I had a higher chance to win…

There are many moments, events, circumstances, joy, heartbroken, disappointments, appalling, awe, sadness, sorrows, and, name it! in your life, and in each one of those, you are given two opportunities: either you hide or you seek. Now, I am not saying all moments in life!…I am saying for you to be truthful to yourself , recognizing moments that shake your being to the point of vomiting, to the point of skipping on the sidewalk, to the point of punching the wall in front of you, to the point of kneeling down…those are the kind of moments that would make you play “hide and seek” over and againexcept…this time you don’t have anyone to play with…you only have your own shadow to play with. You don’t have others to look for, you only have yourself to hide from and to seek to. Some of you might be okay with playing hide and seek over and again…some of you might want to do less of the hiding and more of the seeking…Two tools that you could choose to use when you want less hiding and more seeking: awareness and persistence. Awareness forces you not to hide. Persistence pushes you to seek. (

*Note: you can never get rid-off the game “hide and seek” in your life! You can only lessen it!…

Don’t hide from the sucky and (or) intense feelings and emotions…don’t say “I’ll be okay!” too fast…don’t say “It doesn’t matter!”…don’t say, “I have to move on!”…don’t say, “I am just lucky, that’s why I got the promotion/awards”…don’t say, “Oh, it’s just me!”…Rather, say, “ This is really hurtful!”; say, “ I don’t know how I am going to go through it!”; say, “Wow, I am really good at this!”; say, “ I deserve the awards!”; say, “ She/he was someone I am in love with at one point, but not anymore!”; say “ I am so very sorry that I have hurt you!”; say, “ I need time!”…ride and acknowledge the emotions and feelings as long as you need to…be aware of how and why you feel, of how and why you react, what you hold on to, who you hold on to…why you hold on to…how you hold on the course of riding and acknowledging your emotions and feelings, consciously and (or) subconsciously, you are being persistent on what matters to you, on who you are, on the why and the how…you are seeking…

From Rumi to Barack Obama, the message is simple and straightforward: the finger always points back at you. No matter what! To enjoy your life, to live it to the fullest, don’t hide! Seek! When you do, the tears, smiles, laughters, groans, screams, vomit, sorrows, joy, tingling in every sense of your being will worth your while.

“Nobody Said It’d Be Easy. They Just Promised It Would Be Worth It.” ( Harvey MacKay)

From Hiding…

Photo by Alex He on Unsplash

To Seeking…

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash



Eko B

I'm in love with imperfections and possibilities. The commitment to unlock and shine by keep on putting together the broken pieces to create a masterpiece.